Interact with a different word each day
to lower your heartrate

euouae 11/15/15
rotavator 11/14/15
squirrelled 11/13/15
floccinaucinihilipilification 11/12/15
abstentious 11/11/15
pseudopseudohypoparathyroidism 11/10/15
abatjour 11/09/15
baedeker 11/07/15
elydoric 11/06/15
ichneumous 11/05/15
katabothron 11/04/15
obmutescent 11/03/15
quicquidlibet 11/02/15
gegenschein 11/01/15
rhynchodont 10/31/15
cicatrization 10/30/15
nepenthe 10/29/15
phacochoerine 10/28/15
dolichocephalic 10/27/15
honorificabilitudinity 10/26/15
tetrakishexahedron 10/25/15
jongleur 10/24/15
bahuvrihi 10/23/15
flibbertigibbet 10/22/15
vraisemblance 10/21/15
leucomelanous 10/20/15
salmagundi 10/19/15
uropygium 10/18/15
xylomancy 10/17/15
malacissation 10/16/15
wyrd 10/15/15
keraunoscopia 10/14/15
eirenism 10/13/15
acosmism 10/12/15
yealing 10/11/15
palfrenier 10/10/15
illiquation 10/09/15
zygon 10/08/15
delenda 10/07/15
tetrakishexahedron 10/06/15
orectic 10/05/15
whilom 10/04/15
haurient 10/03/15
nidicolous 10/02/15
jumelle 10/01/15
siffleur 09/30/15
camerlengo 09/29/15
furibund 09/28/15
ruderate 09/27/15
athymia 09/26/15
xystus 09/25/15
kurgan 09/24/15
escutcheon 09/23/15
diallelus 09/22/15
picaresque 09/21/15
molimen 09/20/15
inficete 09/19/15
tilleul 09/18/15
gregatim 09/17/15
yrneh 09/16/15
sarsenet 09/15/15
bursal 09/14/15